Monday, June 12, 2017

World's Largest Volcano Tamu Massif - Mapped For Clues To Earth's Interior

The largest volcano in the world, Tamu Massif , eluded the aforementioned title for quite some time as geologists worked to determine whether the shield volcano was in fact a single volcano or a complex of volcanoes. Recently team of scientists at the University of Houston led by William Sager published a study determining that Tamu Massif was in fact the largest single volcano known on Earth.
The University of Houston team began mapping the volcano's surface on board the JOIDES Resolution research ship and was able to determine that the extensive basalt volcano did erupt from a single source nearby the center of Tamu Massif. The lava flows that formed Tamu Massif, broadly termed the Shatsky Rise, are similar to mid-ocean ridge processes that create new oceanic crust.
It would not be surprising if you've never heard of this volcano, as it's incredible volume is hidden on the bottom of the ocean floor and spread out over 400 miles by 280 miles. The super volcano is located about 1,000 miles due east of Japan and was formed at a triple junction in the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, approximately 145 million years ago.
The volcano is roughly the size of New Mexico and over 4 km above the Pacific sea floor.

Tamu Massif Tells Scientists About Earth's Mantle
The sheer volume of Tamu Massif and the required lava to create it presents interesting opportunities to understand the Earth's mantle. To put this volcano into perspective, it is approximately 50 times larger than Mauna Loa, Hawaii's biggest active volcano. Tamu Massif is only about 25% smaller than Olympus Mons , one of the largest volcanoes on the planet Mars .
The bathymetric map below provides a scale reference to Olympus Mons on the bottom right at the same scale as Tamu Massif. The white and blue lines denote Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) reflection profiles that allow geophysicists to understand the structure of the volcano beneath the surface by bouncing sound waves through the volcano's interior and measuring the sound waves as they return.
Geologists do not fully understand how these massive basaltic volcanoes form and many times have to piece together a geologic history from just a few cores and 2D seismic lines. Sager's group was able to determine the volcano is made up of successive large lava flows from the center of the volcano. The physical attributes of this lava allowed it to flow for great distances and create slopes of only a couple of degrees.
Previously, scientists were suspicious that volcanoes of this size could form on Earth, where nothing to the same scale has been identified in the past. The volcano has characteristics that would suggest a source from the deep mantle as well as a shallow mantle sourced from plate tectonism.
The massive flows are characteristic of commonly seen flood basalts seen throughout the world. IODP core suggests that the formation of Tamu Massif was partially the result of explosive submarine volcanism.


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